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Advance Organizers

He made contributions to the classification of educational objectives and to the theory of mastery learning.

David Ausubel

An advance organizer is an information presented by an instructor that helps the student organize new incoming information. This is achieved by directing attention to what is important in the coming material, highlighting relationships, and providing a reminder about relevant prior knowledge.

Advance organizers make it easier to learn the new material of a complex or otherwise difficult nature, provided the following two conditions are met:


1. The student must process and understand the information presented in the organizer—this increases the effectiveness of the organizer itself.

2. The organizer must indicate the relations among the basic concepts and terms that will be used.



Ausubel distinguishes between two kinds of advance organizer: comparative and expository.


1. Comparative Organizers

The main goal of comparative organizers is to activate existing schemas. Similarly, they act as reminders to bring into the working memory of what you may not realize is relevant. By acting as reminders, the organizer points out explicitly “whether already established anchoring ideas are nonspecifically or specifically relevant to the learning material” (Ausubel & Robinson, 1969, p. 146). Similarly, a comparative organizer is used both to integrate as well as discriminate. It “integrate[s] new ideas with basically similar concepts in cognitive structure, as well as increase[s] discriminability between new and existing ideas which are essentially different but confusably similar” (Ausubel, 1968, p. 149).

An example of a comparative organizer would be one used for a history lesson on revolutions. This organizer “might be a statement that contrasts military uprisings with the physical and social changes involved in the Industrial Revolution” (Woolfolk et al., 2010, p. 289). Furthermore, you could also compare common aspects of other revolutions from different nations.


2. Expository Organizers

“In contrast, expository organizers provide new knowledge that students will need to understand the upcoming information” (Woolfolk et al., 2010, p. 289). Expository organizers are often used when the new learning material is unfamiliar to the learner. They often relate what the learner already knows with the new and unfamiliar material—this, in turn, is aimed to make the unfamiliar material more plausible to the learner.

An example which Ausubel and Floyd G. Robinson provides in their book School Learning: An Introduction To Educational Psychology is the concept of the Darwinian theory of evolution.[10] To make the Darwinian theory of evolution more plausible, an expository organizer would have a combination of relatedness to the general relevant knowledge that is already present, as well as relevance for the more detailed Darwinian theory.

Essentially, expository organizers furnish an anchor in terms that are already familiar to the learner.

Another example would be the concept of a right angle in a mathematics class. A teacher could ask students to point out examples of right angles that they can find in the classroom. By asking students to do this, it helps relates the students' present knowledge of familiar classroom objects with the unfamiliar concept of a 90-degree right angle.



“The most persuasively voiced criticism of advance organizers is that their definition and construction are vague and, therefore, that different researchers have varying concepts of what an organizer is and can only rely on intuition in constructing one-- since nowhere, claim the critics, is it specified what their criteria are and how they can be constructed” (Ausubel, 1978, p. 251).

In a response to critics, Ausubel defends advance organizers by stating that there is no one specific example in constructing advance organizers as they “always depends on the nature of the learning material, the age of the learner, and his degree of prior familiarity with the learning passage” (Ausubel, 1978, p. 251).

Another criticism of Ausubel’s advance organizers is that the critics often compare the idea of advance organizers with overviews. However, Ausubel has addressed that issue in saying that advance organizers differ from overviews “in being relatable to presumed ideational content in the learner’s current cognitive structure” (Ausubel, 1978, p. 252).

Thirdly, critics also address the notion of advance organizers on whether they are intended to favor high ability or low ability students. However, Ausubel notes that “advance organizers are designed to favor meaningful learning..” (Ausubel, 1978, p. 255). Therefore, to question whether advance organizers are better suited for high or low ability students is unrelated as Ausubel argues that advance organizers can be catered to any student to aid them in bridging a gap between what they already know and what they are about to learn.


by Wikipedia


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