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#01_January 10

What I have learned in the Class


            I’m very thankful because I’ve learned a lot of things from the class. Everything which has been prepared by the professor, Dr. Prema such as decoration, materials, lessons, and atmosphere were perfect and impressing. Especially, these three points; 1) the attitude of Dr. Prema, 2) the skill of making groups, and 3) the lesson about the master teacher, Jesus were touched and refreshed my mind.

            First of all, Dr. Prema said that I’ve prayed for all students and the class so many times. Actually, I had been as a chaplain and the Bible teacher of Korean Adventist primary school so, I know that the prayer for the students and the class is the first step to be a good teacher. It is true that “no prayer, no lesson”. Prema showed me a very basic but very important attitude of a good teacher.

            Second, I think the skill of making groups what we have done in the beginning of the class is very useful. In a very short time, we were able to make groups with knowing each outer through the birthday. I believe this skill can make a teacher easy to make groups and also make students fun to know each other.

            Finally, I’ve learned the qualities of Jesus as an outstanding teacher. One of them, “Intimacy - He was close to His disciples”, moved me to dedicate to Jesus once again. I always try to be close to Jesus by myself, however, through this lesson, I realized that Jesus always comes to me. Isaiah 49:1-7 which has given by Prema in the class supports my thought and feeling.


What I like Improved


            First of all, I would like to improve my reading and listening skills because I am not good at English. I always read the English Bible and listen to some sermons in English. I’ve been a junior Sabbath school teacher and a pathfinder counselor for two years. So I am feeling that I’m improving, however, sometimes, I cannot understand what the teacher and the classmates say in the class. That is my prayer request.

            Second, I love to teach children. Actually, I was a director of children’s ministry in my conference for 3 years. So through this class, I want to learn not only the theory but also the practical teaching skills.

#03_January 19

What I have learned in the Class


            Through the class, I’ve learned about three scholars; John Goodlad, Bruce Joyce, and Robert Marzano who are experts of education. John Goodlad says about research about teaching, lecture, Bruce Joyce says the models of teaching, and Robert Marzano says the dimension of learning.

            To be honest, I did not understand what Goodlas saying clearly. So I need to study more about his theory. However, Bruce Joyce’s theory is very clear so I remember it easily. His idea called MoT explains about the models of teaching; Manage, Instruction, Strategies, and Content. Moreover, for the strategies, he provides MoT in detail such as Personal, Information, Behavior, and Social. It can be described by a diagram.

            For me, MoT was very interesting because the Sabbath School Lesson book for the kids named GraceLink already use its idea in the curriculum. So, I and children’s teacher of Sabbath school has been using this method. I think it is an excellent idea for teaching kids.


What I like Improved


            I want to know more about John Goodlad’s theory. Teacher emphasized those three persons; John Goodlad, Bruce Joyce, and Robert Marzano. Actually, I understand Bruce Joyce’s idea. However, John Goodlad’s theory is not clear for me. Moreover, DoL which is provided by Marzano also needs to study more for me.

            He provides five steps of DoL such as 1) positive attitude and presupposition, 2) acquire and integrate knowledge, 3) expend and refined knowledge, 4) use knowledge meaningfully, and 5) habits in mind. I know the meaning of terms but I want to understand it in a practical way.

            Thank you, teacher, for the wonderful lesson today. I’ve learned teaching skills from you. Today I sow you use repetition way for reminding me the lessons. You explain MoT and Dol by chart, memories, discussion, and presentation so that I can remember and memorize it completely. It was very useful for me. Thanks again. God bless you.

#05_January 24

What I have learned in the Class


            I’ve reviewed what we’ve learned through some questions such as “what is the relationship between MoT and DoL?”, “What is the difference between coaching and mentoring?” For the first question, I’m just understanding that the relationship between MoT and DoL is that those are all about education methods, however, MoT is explained as a menu for the meal, and DoL is explained as a procedure of digestion after a meal. For the second question, I am still confused what differences are.

            Moreover, with the interesting question: “which is more important to consider: How smart you are or how you are smart?”, I’ve discussed the multiple intelligences. It is from Howard Gardner. There are eight areas; verbal, visual, logical, bodily, natural, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal. It was very interesting that I’m in one of them. Actually, I’m in the musical area. I believe I can use it my mission filed so that I can prepare to teach and preach in a proper way.


What I like Improved


            I’ve read about a coaching and mentoring from the compendium. Also, I paid attention to listen to teacher’s lecture to understand what differences are. However, I’m still confused about it. I just know that coaching is temporary, mentoring has no time-limit, and Jesus was a mentor, and disciples were a coach for each other. I want to make sure what differences are between mentoring and coaching.

            Actually, I want to lead the people those who are my children, students of the school, and church members rightly but I have no idea and also power and strategy to lead them. Thus I need to study and learn about coaching and mentoring skills. I believe it will be helpful for my ministry.

            Thank you for the wonderful lesson today. I pray for my teacher and classmates. God bless all of us.

#07_January 30

What I have learned in the Class


             I was very excited because I had an opportunity to teach my classmate in front of my teacher, Dr. Prema. It was unexpected situation but this was really good to me. I prepared expert jigsaw as a material for my micro lesson plan. I thought the plan was prepared well. However, when I taught the lesson, I missed some instructions. That time, Dr. Prema pointed what I missed so that I was able to catch up and give an instruction to my classmate who was participating in my teaching class. I realized that no practice, no success. Preparation and practicing are very important. Anyway, I was very happy to teach someone through the material, expert jigsaw. I can use this when I teach my church member the Bible.


What I like Improved


            First of all, there are some scholars who originate educational theory. I want to know more about them. I think their idea is very helpful, but I don’t know well about that even I don’t memorize their name. Thus I need to study more about them not only for preparing the exam, but also my teaching skills.

            Second, in the microteaching time, some students used another material such as placemat consensus, and so on. I also want to know how to prepare and practice these in my teaching class. I really happy to learn various teaching skills and methods. I believe I can use these very well in my mission fields.  

            Thank you for the wonderful lesson today. I pray for my teacher and classmates. God bless all of us.

#09_February 7

What I have learned in the Class


Today, I’ve learned seven strategies such as activating prior knowledge, capture attention and emphasizing the importance, use multi-media effectively, elaboration via examples, give opportunities for reflection, practice retrieval, and question for critical thinking. The teacher taught us these with some action so that we are able to memorize it effectively. From this lesson, I’ve got a lot of ideas for my mission work. All of the strategies can be used in my sermon, Bible lesson, and seminar.


What I like Improved


I shared KWL activity with my tablemate. I think it is one of the powerful strategies for teacher and students. It makes students think, participate, learn more effectively. It helps a teacher to manage the class and teach students more deep and actively. I want to know more about this so that I can use it in Bible lesson class on Sabbath.

            Thank you for the wonderful lesson today. I pray for my teacher and classmates. God bless all of us.

#11_February 17

What I have learned in the Class


            I’ve learned about CA (concept attainment) and Taba inductive by the video lessons. It reminded me what I’ve learned from my teacher, Prema, in the class. I think those two strategies are very useful for inductive lessons even though the ways are quite different. I think CA is more intention class by a teacher because the teacher needs to do a presentation on the first. On the other hands for the Taba, the students are able to participate and lead the class. Moreover, Taba is more complicated and diverse than CA so that the teacher can use it flexible for all the lessons.


What I like Improved


            Even though Taba inductive is a wonderful strategy, I would like to learn more CA. I remember when I was elementary schooler, my teacher taught me through this strategy. I believe that was not same with CA exactly yet very similar with this. I think this strategy is good to me, so I want to use it in my micro teaching.

#13_February 23

What I have learned in the Class


            I’ve learned graphic organizers and advance organizers. I think, these are also one of the interesting structures and strategies. More interesting one thing is that this is deductive method. It means, both inductive and deductive are useful method for teaching and learning. We did human bar graph in the devotional. It was good so I can learn the lesson with fun.


What I like Improved


            Eventually, I understood the DoL 1-5 in our compendium. Actually, I was wondering why teacher separated the compendium in Dol 1-5. What is the criteria. Through the lesson of advanced organizers, I realized the reason of separation. This is followed the way of advanced organizers. I think, I like this way and I am good at advanced organizers. Thus, I want to learn more about this.

#15_March 2

What I have learned in the Class



            I’ve learned DoL 5, “Habit of Mind” finally. The teacher introduced 16 habits such as persisting, managing impulsivity, listening and understanding with empathy, thinking flexibly, striving for accuracy, thinking about thinking, questioning and posing problems, applying past knowledge, gathering data through all senses, imagining and innovating, responding with wonderment and awe, taking responsible risks, finding humor, thinking interdependently, communicating with clarity and precision, and remain open to continuous learning. These are wonderful habits what I want to get in my life. Moreover, I’ve learned how to do a decision-making matrix. It was very exciting and useful for me. I will use this item when I need to decide seriously.  


What I like Improved


            As I remind and review this wonderful class, I realize that I’ve learned a lot of things from my teacher, Prema. It was not only for the lesson but also her attitude and preparation. I always feel that the teacher is praying for the class. The most impressive thing is that the teacher practices what she teaches in the class. For example, for the classroom climate, a teacher should call students by their names. Dr. Prema, she has done like this. Even though my name is not easy to memory for non-Korean, she knows my name exactly and calls me by my Korean name. So many times, I realize that teacher is doing what she taught in our class. It is the wonderful lesson for me. I really want to be like Jesus and also my teacher, Dr. Prema.

#02_January 17

What I have learned in the Class


            I love this class because I can learn not only the theory but also so many activities which can encourage students to focus on the lessons. Today, I’ve learned a lot of lessons about “the teaching methods of Jesus” through the reading assignments, group discussions, and some activities.

            First of all, I read two articles named “The Practical Teaching Methods of Jesus Christ” by Edward P. Schuppe, and “God with Us: Jesus, the Master Teacher.” From the first article, I was inspired because I realized about what Jesus has taught. Especially, the sentence “Jesus careful to establish and maintain right relationships between members of His class… Forgiveness is essential between class-member… By insisting on forgiveness, Jesus laid a sure foundation for proper relationships” touched my heart. What a beautiful and wonderful sentences. I’ve never thought about the forgiveness in the class. Honestly, sometimes I don’t forgive my pupils and also I don’t urge the students to forgive each other. Now, I understand why Jesus demand forgiveness seventy times seven to His disciples.

            Second, I’ve discussed the Galilean principle of Jesus and the content of Jesus’ teaching. My teacher, Dr. Prema, explained about the Galilean principle of Jesus. It reflects that Jesus is inclusive and He concerns that there is no difference of people. They are all same in His sight. And with my tablemate, I did do teamwork named Jigsaw about the Content of Jesus’ Teaching. This idea is from Horne’s work (1971). It was also very interesting because, through the conversation of Jesus with the Samaritan woman, we can find what Jesus’ contents which are related to very vital problems in the lives of his students are such as Q&A, discourse, stories, parables, OT Scriptures, occasion, contrast, symbol, and so on. We explained these through the beautiful drawing and attached it on the class’ wall for reminding.

            Finally, from the beginning to the end of the class, I reviewed what I’ve learned with the great activities such as quiz and placemat consensus. Through the quiz given by the teacher in the beginning of the class, I reminded the typical student remarks about 14 qualities of Jesus as an outstanding teacher. It was really helpful to remember the lesson. Moreover, at the end of the class, I did do the activity called placemat consensus for review about the methods of Jesus. It was also wonderful because through this activity, all of us, tablemates, were able to share what we understood and thought the methods of Jesus.


What I like Improved


            First, I would like to be a teacher who teaches Jesus. First of all, I want to have an attitude of Jesus. Jesus not only taught his pupils but also lived as what He taught. Thus, He got the authority and all followers trusted and believed in Him. I know that I cannot be same with Jesus, but I can use what He used and did. So, I want to know more what Jesus taught indeed.

            Second, I want to learn the activities what the teacher, Dr. Prema, uses, and moreover, I want to know how to apply and approach these simple and childish activities in an effective and interesting way. Actually, I was wondering that Prema was doing the activities; songs and some actions which were very childish I thought. However, it was not childish and boring but very interesting and active. All classmates enjoyed with this activity. So, I want to learn how to handle the emotion and the atmosphere of the class with the simple activities for focusing on the lesson. 

            Thanks for the wonderful lesson. I pray for the class and the professor. May God bless all of us.

#04_January 22

What I have learned in the Class


            I’ve learned about DoL (Dimensions of Learning) and training model today. There are five steps in DoL such as 1) attitudes and perceptions, 2) acquire and integrate knowledge, 3) extend and refine knowledge, 4) use knowledge meaningfully, and 5) habits of mind. This idea is from Marzano. This is very interesting for me because it is very similar to religious life, so I believe I can apply this idea to my ministry for my church members.

            For the training model, there are four procedure models; theory, demonstration, practice with feedback, and coaching. All procedure provides above 80% knowledge to students, however, the rate of transfers is quite different. The rate of theory’s transfer is below 50%, for example, but the rate of coaching’s transfer is about 90%. This is very interesting. One more important thing is the skills. If the teacher uses the procedure of theory, he just pays only 5% skills, but the teacher uses the coaching procedure he needs to pay 80% skills. It means, depending on the rate of teacher’s skills the rate of transfer will be determined.


What I like Improved


            I am starting to have an interesting in this class because the theories of teaching are very similar to ministry and teaching the Bible. I believe I can use these things to my mission field. Especially, DoL and training model very impressed me. Thus, I want to learn more about these in detail so that I can approach and apply it into my gospel work when I go back to my conference. So, I want to know if there are some books or materials about this idea.​

            Thank you for the wonderful lesson today. I pray for my teacher and classmates. God bless all of us.

#06_January 26

What I have learned in the Class


            I’ve done a lot of things today with very valuable theories such as MI, HBLT, Making objective, classroom structures, CL and wonderful activities such as group jigsaw, expert jigsaw and so on. For the theories, the four-step lesson plan (HBLT) was very interesting. The teacher showed us four kinds of pictures; fish hook, book, eye, and pointing finger. A hook means introduction, book means theory, eye (look) means practice, and finger (took) means application. I believe I can use it for my Bible lessons.

            For the activities, I realized that jigsaw is wonderful methods for teaching and learning. Even though I’ve learned many lessons through this, I’ve never known that there is their kind of jigsaws; basic, group, and expert. I’ve practiced these with tablemate and classmate. It was great, I really want to use it for my bible classes.


What I like Improved


            Actually, there are so many theories in a day class, so it is not easy to understand all things clearly. I believe, it takes some time for understanding fully. Especially, I know that the Cooperative class is the best structures of the classroom. However, I was not able to understand the five elements or characteristics of CL, and structures yet. So, I need to study more.  

            Thank you for the wonderful lesson today. I pray for my teacher and classmates. God bless all of us.

#08_February 5

What I have learned in the Class


            I didn’t attend the class because of 2018 pathfinder traveling camp. However, I’ve tried to study the lesson about KWL strategy. I understood that K means to know, W means want to know, L means learned. This idea is from Donna Ogle in 1986. It has several purposes such activating prior knowledge, encouraging discussions, promoting student questioning, setting a purpose for reading, and facilitating follow-up research.


What I like Improved


            I want to know how to do KWL strategy. Actually, I have experience about this when I was in ESL last year. My teacher, Lilia, used for the level 4 students. That time I thought that this is very useful for learner because it makes student now what I know and studies then will learn. Now, I am expecting that teacher Prema will teach me how to do this in detail.    

            Thank you for the wonderful lesson today. I pray for my teacher and classmates. God bless all of us.

#10_February 10

What I have learned in the Class


            I’ve learned about inductive lesson strategies such as Concept Attainment and Taba. CA is explained by PTA which means Presentation, Testing, and Analysis. This idea is from Jerome Bruner. Another one is about Taba inductive which is originated by Hilda Taba. This is also explained by three letters; CIA which means Concept formation, Interpretation, and Application. These are very interesting strategies.


What I like Improved


            I like inductive lesson strategy because as a pastor, an inductive sermon is more powerful than a deductive sermon. However, I was not sure what inductive theory is. Through this lesson, I understood about inductive strategy and realized who can I apply this strategy into my ministry work.

            Thank you for the wonderful lesson today. I pray for my teacher and classmates. God bless all of us.

#12_February 19

What I have learned in the Class


            I’ve learned how to do CA through my microteaching presentation. The teacher explained this and Blessing showed us who to do this. It was very helpful for me. However, when I was doing my presentation of CA, it was not easy to do for me. I think I need more practice and to prepare materials. I surely understand what CA is, and prepared it as possible. However, I felt the lack of my experience.  


What I like Improved


            I have had an interesting in Taba inductive also. My tablemate Anita presented it when we were doing microteaching presentation. It was great because she prepared all the materials perfectly and also did well the presentation. I think Taba is also very useful for teaching the children. It can help the students to think, discuss, and cooperate more. I will try to use it in my Bible class.

#14_February 28

What I have learned in the Class


            I’ve learned very interesting and powerful lesson today from my teacher, Prema. The title was “teaching is the mission”. What a wonderful phrase. I had been a chaplain for five years in Adventist primary school. And also I loved to teach my church members the Bible when I was a local church pastor. I had a lot of seminar for those who were teaching the kids on every Sabbath in their church when I was a director of my conference. Thus, I understand teaching is the mission indeed. Moreover, I presented comparing the method with Venn diagram in the class. It was very exciting and useful lesson because I think, students may understand the differences between the objects and also can clarify it clearly through this tool.  


What I like Improved


            The teacher explained the method named making a decision. It was very interesting for me because I always hesitate to decide when I need to choose some important things. This item will be very helpful for me. I think, I just tasted a bit of this. I really want to know more about this so that I can apply this tool to my life and ministry.


What I have learned in the Class



            I’ve taken the final exam. I was very satisfied with my test because of two things. First of all, before we started, the teacher gave us some activities with songs and exercises for relaxing and reminding what I’ve learned. It was good, very helpful for me. Second, the questions were very practical so that I can express my opinion and decision with some proper strategies. I’m very thankful to my teacher.  


What I like Improved



            Actually, I did not catch on about DoL 5. I’ve learned only 16 habits in mind. I know there are some strategies which I don’t learn such as felling strategy and value clarification. I know through the compendium I can learn about it. But I will miss my teacher and her lessons. I thank God and teacher for giving me this wonderful opportunity to study advanced method for teaching Bible.


            Thank you for all the wonderful and valuable lessons in this term. I will keep you in my prayer. May God bless.

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