Teaching methods in primary education from the teacher’s point of view
Abstract. The paper is based on the current research project aimed at finding the use of teaching methods in primary education. The aim...

9 Characteristics of Jesus as a Teacher
What were the characteristics of Jesus as a teacher? When Jesus began his earthly ministry, he introduced to the world a mission that...

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of various teaching methods used for teaching students at graduate...

Teaching Methods and Students’ Academic Performance
ABSTRACT: The objective of this study was to investigate the differential effectiveness of teaching methods on students’ academic...

CoaChing as a ManageMent style: An excerpt from The Extraordinary Coach: How the Best Leaders Help O
What is Business CoaChing? Say the word coaching and an image immediately comes to mind. For some, the image is NBA coach who watches his...

An Integrative Definition of Coaching Effectiveness and Expertise
School of Kinesiology and Health Studies, Queen’s University, 69 Union Street, Kingston ON, Canada K7L 3N6 E-mail: jc46@queensu.ca ...

What is ‘Coaching’? An Exploration of Conflicting Paradigms
Abstract This paper sets out the argument that quite fundamental issues, both theoretical and practical, divide the various approaches to...

Good Coach, Bad Coach
Much has been said and written about good coaching. This primer is therefore intended not as new information but rather as a collection...