Expert Jigsaw
The main idea:
Break a specific task into simple parts requiring group-mates to become experts with their part and to share their knowledge with the rest of the group, till everyone in the group knows the entire material.
Decide on a Jigsaw lesson only if the content that has 3-6 equivalent segments or parts (e.g. tests of a true prophet)
Compile the material (simplify if necessary; number each part)
Make an appropriate number of copies for the CL groups (e.g., if you have a 5-part lesson, and 30 students, make 6 copies of the original.)
Cut the segments and clip/staple together each set in order as in the original
Remember to make an additional set for the “overflow” number of students
Phase 1: Base Group Focus
The class is divided into “home” groups according to the number of parts in the lesson (no more than 6); each member receives a jigsaw material and silently reads.
Phase 2: Expert Group Focus
Those with the same material in each group meet as “expert” groups to discuss the topic.
Phase 3: Base Group Re-focus
The base group gathers again and each member shares with other members what they learned. All the group members MUST know the entire content.
Phase 4: Assessment
The teacher assesses the class by questioning.
- Sets a positive and interactive environment
Leads students to value each other as contributors to the common task
Efficient way to learn the material
​Encourages listening, engagement, and empathy (social skills)
Engages every student